Our team
We help clients to develop their business. Our team is the engineers, who are passionate about working with interesting and challenging projects. And the delight we get from the realization of effective solutions for a Client makes us develop ourselves more vigorous.
who are alphas
We are Alpha people. It is our life philosophy, our mission, and our key value.
We are not just a team in words, but we are a holistic living organism, each cell of which performs a strictly dedicated function to achieve the goal - the creation of perfect web solutions in all meanings.
We are leaders, not followers. That makes us seeking to develop alternative, effective solutions based on the business needs every day.
We don’t just focus on the tasks, we analyze the business and its needs to generate best-fit solutions. This allows us to feel the needs, and even the desires of business so subtly and clearly.
Implementing at least one project with us, you can ensure that our statements are not just words. Since we have enough experience, capabilities, and the main thing - a willing to indefinitely generate and flesh ideas that will 100% bring tangible results to each partner.
we’re skilled
There are only the best specialists in our team with total competence above 100K+ human hours. All our team members are narrow technology experts, that have been gaining their professionalism for years and honing their skills on 300+ projects.
we’re motivated
We develop innovative products with one purpose - to help customers’ businesses to take a confident step forward. And if we have a trace, let this trace will be from web solutions of the highest quality standard.
we’re experienced
The highest synergy of our team is based on the T-shaped model. Our developers increase expertise every day not only in their narrow industry but also in related programming areas. So, the client receives not just a beautiful, but a harmonious and truly holistic product.
we’re reliable
We are responsible for every step and its results within the project. We have developed a creative approach to complex tasks and we know how to solve them. This ensures stable, reliable cooperation with guaranteed results even in the long term.
our leadership team