Will the technical solution meet my business goals? How to collaborate with a drupal outsourcing agency? Check out how Alpha Web Group runs its business to make your projects operational, free of bugs and cost-effective.
Content makes all the difference in the world. This goes for all business sectors where promotional capacities are paramount to the success of one’s operations, especially if we are talking about commercial niches. And it is not only about the type and overall value of the content you offer. It is also about how it looks, works, and the manner in which it is published and delivered to the end consumer.
The definition of content on the web has changed over time. When the web was first started, it was primarily text. Then we added images, and now we have a video, slide presentations, social media streams, and even content created by the Internet of things. What's next?
Why is Drupal the ideal higher-ed platform? Because it allows customizing the solution with Drupal’s robust ecosystem of third party integrations, contributed modules, and hosting services.
Setting your project up for success means keeping an eye on scope, budget, and timeline and choosing two of the most important ones to you. If you’re reading this post, the budget is one of the most important items for you.
One of the greatest numbers of IT professionals in Europe lives in Ukraine. It also ranks fourth in the world by the number of IT workers after the United States, India, and Russia. Over 200,000 IT specialists are working in Ukraine.